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NEXON2014产品线公布 手游道路渐行渐远

NEXON2014 product line Mobile Games away

2015-03-12 10:31:24来源: 17173

近日,韩国NEXON公司公布了2014年的产品线,并宣布在今年将扩展手游的事业线。 2014年NEXON以手游为主,推出10款手游产品,包括《天龙八部3D》、《广开土大王》、《野生之地》、《洛奇》卡牌版、《超级狂想》等等。为此,NEXON在今年3月新组建了手游事业部。另外,去年NEX...

recently released Road, South Korea NEXON company announced the 2014 product line, and announced in this year will be extended Mobile Games business line. 2014 NEXON to Mobile Games, launched 10 Mobile Games products, including the "eight 3D", "Denon gwanggaeto the great", "wild land", "lodge" card, "super fantasy" and so on. Therefore, NEXON in March this year to form new Mobile Games division. In addition, the last NEX...

标签: 手游