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索尼宣布停止运行PS Mobile

Sony announced to stop running PS Mobile

2015-03-12 04:35:01来源: 中国青年网

TheNextWeb 报道:PlayStation?Mobile是索尼曾推出的充满抱负的移动游戏交易平台,旨在为PSV及部分安卓手机提供高质量独立游戏的发售平台。不过,自从发布以来,该平台一直经营惨淡,业务没什么起色。现在索尼正式宣布将于今年彻底停运PlayStation?Mobile平...

TheNextWeb reports: PlayStation? Mobile is Sony has launched ambitious mobile game trading platform, aimed at PSV and part of the Android mobile phone provides high quality independent game launch platform. However, since the since the release, the platform has been recession, what business did not prosper. Now Sony officially announced the complete decommissioning of PlayStation to Mobile flat this year?...

标签: PS 索尼