新关注 > 信息聚合 > WOW6.1新增传家宝坐骑摩托车 一级小号可使用

WOW6.1新增传家宝坐骑摩托车 一级小号可使用

WOW6.1 new biography of Jiabao mounts a small motorcycle can be used

2015-01-31 12:07:27来源: 电玩巴士

WOW官方微博昨晚发布了一条消息:6.1将加入传家宝收集奖励,收集35件传家宝可获得传家宝摩托车坐骑。 微博原文:随着全新升级的传家宝系统在6.1版本中的到来,在收集35件传家宝之后,你将获得一辆酷炫的传家宝摩托车!即使是等级1的角色也可使用哦!

WOW official micro-blog last night issued a news: 6.1 will join the biography of Jiabao and collect bonuses, collected 35 from the Jiabao biography of Jiabao motorcycle mounts can be obtained. Original: with the advent of micro-blog in version 6.1 new biography of Jiabao system upgrade, in the collection of 35 pieces of Jiabao, you will get a cool Jiabao motorcycle! Even a level 1 character can use the oh!