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They went out of the house for board games

2021-04-14 15:00:00来源: 触乐

《UNO》(中译《优诺》)是一款基于数字和颜色展开规则的纸牌游戏,因玩家打出倒数第二张牌时必须喊出“Uno”而得名。这款由美国人梅尔·罗宾斯(Merle Robbins)于1971年发明的游戏,在50年里经历规则变化与版权更替,如今已成为世界最为知名的桌游之一,销量过亿。 为了纪念《UNO》50周年,发行商美泰(Mattel)计划举办一场世界锦标赛。作为世界锦标赛的一部分,《UNO》2021中国大奖赛在今年3月开赛,优胜者将在11月与全球强手一起,争夺世界冠军和不菲的奖金。 3月25日,《UNO》2021中国大奖赛北京赛区,迎来了一群特殊的选手。 ■ 特殊选手 下午1点半,我到达望京街道温馨家园时,陈旻鹭已经等待多时。她带我走进赛场,选手们4人一组,分坐在七八张桌子旁,

Uno is a card game based on number and color expansion rules, because players must shout & amp; when playing the penultimate card; ldquo; Uno& rdquo; And got its name. This is by American Mel & amp; middot; The game invented by Merle Robbins in 1971 has experienced rule change and copyright replacement in 50 years. Now it has become one of the most famous board games in the world, with sales of more than 100 million.