新关注 > 信息聚合 > 微软Xbox成为英格兰国家足球队官方游戏合作伙伴


Microsoft Xbox becomes the official game partner of England national football team

2021-08-30 18:17:25来源: 游戏时光

微软 Xbox 与英格兰足协共同宣布建立合作关系。Xbox 成为英格兰国家足球队官方游戏合作伙伴。相关宣传视频在今日(8 月 30 日)下午发布。视频地址此次合作范围涉及英格兰男足、女足以及电竞等多方面项目。双方相信建立合作关系可以为英格兰球队与 Xbox 品牌创造更多价值。更多细节需待官方新闻稿公开。来源:Xbox/The FA

Microsoft Xbox and the Football Association of England jointly announced the establishment of a cooperative relationship. Xbox becomes the official game partner of England national football team. The relevant publicity video was released this afternoon (August 30). Video address the scope of cooperation involves English men's football, women's football, E-sports and other projects. The two sides believe that the establishment of a cooperative relationship can create more value for the English team and the Xbox brand. More details need to be disclosed in the official press release. Source: Xbox / the FA

标签: Xbox 微软 游戏