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British game week sales list: my world returns to the top of the list

2021-09-07 09:02:11来源: 游戏时光

新一周的英国实体游戏销量榜已经公布,英国游戏市场又迎来沉寂的一周,既没有太多新作发售,主机销量也下滑了 6%,不过 Switch 主机销量反而的到了 5% 的提升,各方面因素结合下《我的世界》Switch 版冲上了销量榜榜首,且同比上上周销量提升了 29%。 位于第二的也是榜单常客《马力欧赛车8 豪华版》,销量提升了 16%;任天堂旗下热门休闲聚会游戏《集合啦!动物森友会》位于第五,销量同样提升了 15%。 事实上本周前十榜单上的大部分游戏都有着销量涨幅,位于第三的 PS5 游戏《瑞奇与叮当 时空跳转》销量提升了 38%;《F1 2021》伴随折扣的推出也有了 51% 销量提升,且一跃从 17 位升至第八。上上周第一的《异形:火力小队》销量下滑 77%,掉到了第 12

The new week's UK physical game sales list has been released, and the UK game market has ushered in a quiet week. There are not many new works on sale, and the console sales have also decreased by 6%. However, the switch console sales have increased by 5%. Combined with various factors, the switch version of my world has topped the sales list, and the sales have increased by 29% compared with the previous week& amp; nbsp;& amp; nbsp; In the second place is also a frequent guest of the list, "Mario racing 8 luxury edition", with sales increased by 16%; Nintendo's popular casual party game collection! The animal crossing was fifth, and sales increased by 15%. amp; nbsp;& amp; nbsp; In fact, most of the games on the top ten lists this week had sales growth. The sales of the ps5 game "Ricky and jingle jump" in the third place increased by 38%《 With the introduction of discount, F1 2021 also saw a 51% increase in sales, and jumped from 17th to 8th. Last week, the sales volume of "Alien: fire team" fell 77% to No. 12

标签: 游戏 我的世界