新关注 > 信息聚合 > 游戏角色人气总选举2021 女子16进8 DAY2投票帖

游戏角色人气总选举2021 女子16进8 DAY2投票帖

Game character popularity general election 2021 women 16 into 8 Day2 voting posts

2021-09-07 18:00:00来源: 游戏时光

1/8 决赛的第二天,最后四个八强名额将在这场比赛中决出。这几位各具魅力的角色们,谁更能赢得玩家们的喜爱呢?此外,16 进 8 DAY 1 的女子组比赛也还在进行中:传送门。 投票规则■ 在 9 月 6 日 18 点之前注册的游戏时光用户,均可在投票中选择最多 1 名角色■ 本场投票时间为 9 月 7 日 18:00 ~ 9 月 8 日 23:59※ 关于本次赛事的赛制、角色参选标准、完整入围名单,请点击此处查看。※ 如遇平票,则在战报中进行一轮加赛。※ 同时进行的还有男子 16 进 8 Day2 的投票,请点击此处查看。爱丽丝 VS 水芸爱丽丝: 第五区贫民窟的卖花女,调皮可爱。初次和克劳德相遇是在米德加的街道上,能够倾听星球的声音,因此从小被神罗格外盯梢着。水芸:集会所的接待员。沉着冷静,大多时候都面不改色

On the second day of the 1 / 8 final, the final four places in the top eight will be determined in this competition. Among these charming characters, who can win the love of players? In addition, the women's group competition of 16 into 8 day 1 is also in progress: portal. Voting rules ■ game time users registered before 18:00 on September 6 can choose up to one role in the voting ■ the voting time is from 18:00 on September 7 to 23:59 on September 8 ※ for the competition system, role participation criteria and complete shortlist of this event, please click here to check. ※ In case of a tie, an extra round will be played in the war report. ※ At the same time, men's 16 into 8 Day2 vote, please click here to view. Alice vs Shuiyun Alice: the flower girl in the slum of District 5 is naughty and cute. I first met Claude in the street of midga. I was able to listen to the voice of the planet, so I was watched by Shenluo from childhood. Shui Yun: receptionist of the assembly center. He is calm and calm. He doesn't change his face most of the time

标签: 游戏