新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《山海旅人》公开售价及主题曲 9月10日正式发售

《山海旅人》公开售价及主题曲 9月10日正式发售

The public price and theme song of "mountain and sea traveler" were officially released on September 10

2021-09-08 11:52:42来源: 游戏时光

由云山小雨工作室开发,Gamera Game 发行的国风志怪解谜冒险游戏《山海旅人》将于 9 月 10 日下午 3 点正式发售。今天官方公开了游戏售价,《山海旅人》本体定价 52 元,原声集定价 18 元,发售首周将会有 9 折折扣。与此同时,官方还放出了游戏同名主题曲《山海旅人》的 MV 视频。《山海旅人》Steam 商店页主题曲 MV 与此前游戏 PV 中的古风曲《玉盘散流光》一样,此次公开的游戏同名主题曲也是由音乐制作人李卡拉担任词曲以及演唱。《山海旅人》完整版的时长大约 5-6 小时,在游戏中,玩家将操控主人公“逆梦师”七云,前往芦河村调查灵魂无法投胎转世的原因。而随着调查的深入,许多不为人知的往事被挖掘出来,阻挠灵魂投胎的幕后黑手也渐渐浮出水面。《山海旅人》除了采用 2D 像素来呈现水墨风之外

Developed by Yunshan Xiaoyu studio and released by GAMERA game, the mystery solving adventure game "mountain and sea traveler" will be officially put on sale at 3 p.m. on September 10. Today, the official price of the game is announced. The body of "mountain and sea traveler" is priced at 52 yuan, and the original sound set is priced at 18 yuan. There will be a 10% discount in the first week of sale. At the same time, the official also released the MV video of the theme song "mountain and sea traveler" with the same name. Theme song MV of steam store page of mountain and sea traveler