新关注 > 信息聚合 > 失眠组PS5新作《漫威金刚狼》先导预告片公布


The pilot trailer of Marvel wolverine, the new ps5 of insomnia group, was announced

2021-09-10 05:35:56来源: 游戏时光

除了宣布新作《漫威蜘蛛侠2》将于 2023 年登陆 PS5 外,开发商 Insomniac Games 还放出了旗下新 IP《漫威金刚狼》的先导预告片。本作将由 PS5 平台独占,发售时间尚未确认。视频地址

In addition to announcing that the new work "Marvel Spider Man 2" will land on ps5 in 2023, the developer insomniac games also released the pilot trailer of its new IP "Marvel Wolverine". This work will be monopolized by ps5 platform, and the release time has not been confirmed. Video address

标签: PS