新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《审判之逝》媒体评分汇总:校园很美好,剧情有争议


Summary of media scores of the death of trial: the campus is beautiful and the plot is controversial

2021-09-16 23:55:57来源: 游戏时光

世嘉如龙组新作《审判之逝 湮灭的记忆》媒体评分现已解禁,Metacritic 目前收录 44 家媒体,均分 83 分,其中 38 家媒体给出好评,6 家媒体给出中评。Opencritic 收录 36 家媒体,均分 83 分,推荐度 85%。此外之前 Fami 通编辑给本作打出了合计 38 分(9/10/9/10)的评价。《审判之逝 湮灭的记忆》将于 9 月 24 日上线 Xbox Series X|S、Xbox One、PS5、PS4 平台。以下是部分媒体评语:VGC 4/5愉快的战斗和有趣的社交俱乐部环节让你总有事可做,而其中大幅改进的侦探故事让游戏胜于前作。优点:比初代更好的侦探故事在战斗风格上更多样部分学校迷你游戏是系列之最缺点:探索穿行于横滨并不太有趣Game Informer 7.25/10在制作人

The media score of the new work of Sega Rulong group, the memory of the passing of the trial, has been lifted. Metacritic currently includes 44 media, with an average score of 83 points, of which 38 media give positive comments and 6 media give medium comments. Opencritical included 36 media, with an average score of 83 points and a recommendation of 85%. In addition, before