新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《恶魔城》GBA合集封面图遭泄露 内容或包含四款作品

《恶魔城》GBA合集封面图遭泄露 内容或包含四款作品

The cover picture of "demon city" GBA collection has been leaked or contains four works

2021-09-23 10:34:49来源: 游戏时光

日前,国外网友 @TrackTony1 在浏览零售网站 Play-Asia 时发现了《恶魔城》GBA 作品合集 Switch 版的封面图。目前 Play-Asia 已将相关数据删除,不过 TrackTony1 在此之前进行了截图保存。根据图片信息,本作英文名为《Castlevania Advance Collection》,封面图包含来须苍真、祖丝特·贝尔蒙特与内森·格里弗斯三位角色。另据外媒 Gematsu 的报道,本次合集或将登陆 PS4 / Xbox One / Switch / PC 平台,内容方面共收录四款作品,分别是:恶魔城 月轮恶魔城 白夜协奏曲恶魔城 晓月圆舞曲恶魔城 XX(Castlevania: Dracula X)最后,任天堂直面会将于北京时间 9 月 24 日早 6 点举办,期待直面会上

A few days ago, a foreign netizen @ tracktony1 found the cover of the switch edition of the GBA collection of works of demon city when browsing the retail website play Asia. At present, play Asia has deleted relevant data, but tracktony1 has saved screenshots before. According to the picture information, this work is called Castlevania advance collection in English. The cover picture includes three characters: Lai xucangzhen, Zuster Belmont and Nathan grievous. In addition, according to foreign media gematsu, this collection may be launched on PS4 / Xbox one / switch / PC platform. In terms of content, it contains four works: demon city moon wheel, demon city white night concerto, demon city Xiaoyue waltz, Castlevania: Dracula X. finally, the Nintendo face-to-face meeting will be held at 6 a.m. Beijing time on September 24. We look forward to the face-to-face meeting