新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《超级机器人大战30》第二弹预告视频公布


Preview video of the second bomb of Super Robot War 30 released

2021-09-23 10:35:04来源: 游戏时光

万代南梦宫旗下系列 30周年庆生作品《超级机器人大战30》即将于 10 月 28 日发售中文版,官方于昨晚(9 月 22 日)的直播活动中公布了本作第二弹预告片,展示了本作众多参战机体。 视频地址《超级机器人大战30》将登陆 PS4/Switch/Steam 平台,本作集合了《剧场版 魔神Z》《超电磁机器人 孔巴德拉V》、《机动战士Z高达》、《Code Geass 复活的鲁路修》等动漫作品中的机体,让不同世界观跨越藩篱,一起展开新的原创故事。本作还将在年内推出两个追加 DLC,均包含 9 个机体和 13 个新任务。

The 30th anniversary celebration work of Wandai Nanmeng Palace's series "super robot war 30" will be sold in Chinese on October 28. The official announced the second bullet trailer of the work in the live broadcast last night (September 22), showing many of the fighting bodies of the work& amp; nbsp;& amp; nbsp; The video address "super robot war 30" will land on the PS4 / switch / steam platform. This work integrates the body of animation works such as "theater demon Z", "super electromagnetic machine V", "mobile soldier Z Gunda", "Lu Lu Lu Xiu resurrected by code Geass", so that different world views can cross barriers and start new original stories together. This work will also launch two additional DLCs during the year, both containing 9 airframes and 13 new tasks& amp; nbsp;& amp; nbsp;

标签: 视频