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[welfare] children's picture book style adventure game "tea cup" launched in Chinese

2021-10-14 14:19:06来源: 游戏时光

又一只可爱的小青蛙踏上了冒险之旅。儿童绘本风冒险游戏《茶杯(Teacup)》今日已正式在 Steam 更新官方中文,中文玩家可以毫无隔阂地和小青蛙“茶杯”一起,展开一场寻觅美味茶叶的冒险之旅啦。游戏售价 37 元,商店页传送门:点击此处。《茶杯》以动物们为主角进行叙事冒险,讲述了小青蛙“茶杯”为了即将到来的茶话会准备美味茶叶的故事。美术风格采用了可爱的儿童绘本式风格,游戏整体清新治愈,音乐也处处透着些小可爱。本作还专注于探索和非线性进程。玩家要将跟随“茶杯”的脚步,随心所欲地按任意顺序收集所需的食材,在小池塘镇找到专属于自己的奇妙探险。福利:在本文留言,我们将抽取 3 位朋友送出本作的 Steam 激活码一枚。

Another lovely little frog embarked on an adventure. The children's picture book style adventure game teacup has officially updated the official Chinese in steam today. Chinese players can start an adventure journey to find delicious tea together with the little frog "teacup". The price of the game is 37 yuan. Store page portal: click here. "Tea cup" takes animals as the protagonists for narrative adventure, and tells the story of the little frog "tea cup" preparing delicious tea for the upcoming tea party. The art style adopts the lovely children's picture book style. The game is fresh and cured as a whole, and the music is little cute everywhere. This work also focuses on exploration and nonlinear processes. Players should follow the steps of "tea cup", collect the required ingredients in any order, and find their own wonderful adventure in Xiaochi town. Welfare: in this message, we will select three friends to send a steam activation code for this work.

标签: 游戏