新关注 > 信息聚合 > “中国国际名城经典汽车巡礼 海南站”成功举办

“中国国际名城经典汽车巡礼 海南站”成功举办

"China International City classic car tour of Hainan station successfully held

2015-12-01 14:54:55来源: 中国新闻网

精心的赛程安排尽情享受温暖的美好 11月27日晚,三亚碧桂园·珊瑚宫殿华灯初上,空气里弥漫着美酒的馥郁、动听的音乐和人们的笑声,一场别开生面的复古晚宴在这里如期举行。车手们穿上了自己珍藏的古着服...

carefully schedule arrangement enjoy warm beautiful November 27 evening, Sanya Biguiyuan, coral palace lanterns, air filled with wine fragrance, beautiful music and people's laughter, a spectacular retro dinner here was held as scheduled. The riders put on his collection of vintage clothing...