新关注 > 信息聚合 > 公交608路开特快通勤车 全程票价4元纳入换乘

公交608路开特快通勤车 全程票价4元纳入换乘

Bus 608 road express commuter car, full fare 4 yuan into the transfer

2015-09-20 22:42:41来源: 华龙网

【摘要】 今(20)日,记者从重庆两江公交公司了解到,为进一步提升两路和空港片区的公交服务水平,23日起公交608路特快通勤车线路试点开通,运行渝北空港枢纽站至观音桥商圈,全程票价4元,纳入换乘。 ...

Abstract] today (20) day, the reporter learned from the Chongqing Liangjiang bus company, to further enhance the two-way and airport area of public transit service level, 23 bus 608 road express commuter line pilot opened, running Yubei airport hub station to Guanyin bridge district, the full fare 4 yuan, into the transfer. ...