新关注 > 信息聚合 > 恒大龟缩后场遭狂嘘 斯帅回击记者质疑:你踢过球..

恒大龟缩后场遭狂嘘 斯帅回击记者质疑:你踢过球..

Hengda holed up in the backcourt was booed, handsome return reporters questioned: have you played ball..

2015-07-16 07:41:58来源: 华体网

比赛其实在第75分钟就结束了——河南建业为了消耗时间在后场不断倒脚,而10打11的恒大选择龟缩而不上抢。 球迷开始发出嘘声,嘘声大多数是对消极比赛的河南建业的,也有少数是给不上前逼抢的恒大队员。两...

game actually in the 75th minute will end the -- Henan Jianye in order to consume time in the backcourt backward feet and 10 dozen to 11 Hengda holed up and grab. The fans started to boo boos most is the negative game of Henan Jianye, there are a few to come forward to the closing down of the rival team. Two...