新关注 > 信息聚合 > 腾格尔频遭蔡国庆调侃终发怒:没完了是不是


Teng Ko Erh Cai Guoqing: no end frequently ridicule anger over Is it right?

2015-05-04 23:31:52来源: 广东新闻网

资料图:腾格尔 都说腾格尔脾气好,是圈内出名的老好人,不过老实人也有忍不住发火的时候!在近日安徽卫视《中国农民歌会》的录制现场,因频繁遭到同为评委的蔡国庆的调侃,腾格尔在忍无可忍之后一跃起身怒斥对...

data figure: Teng Ko Erh said Teng Ko Erh good temper, is the circle of famous old man, but also a honest man could not help when angry! In the recording scene recently Anhui TV "Chinese song" of the farmers, because of frequent ridicule by judges Cai Guoqing Teng Ko Erh, after stepping up to rage in no...