新关注 > 信息聚合 > 落实手机实名制遏制电信诈骗 网友呼吁精准监管

落实手机实名制遏制电信诈骗 网友呼吁精准监管

Implement the real-name registration system to curb telecom fraud Netizens called for precise regulation

2016-06-03 02:13:19来源: 新浪网

落实手机实名制遏制电信诈骗 据报道,工业和信息化部近日下发通知,要求各基础电信企业确保在2016年12月31日前本企业全部电话用户实名率达到95%以上,2017年6月30日前全部电话用户实现实名登记。 网民认为,手机实名制是对付电信诈骗的一把利器,关键在于把工作做实做细,其他信息...

Implement the real-name registration system to curb telecom fraud According to the report, the ministry of industry and information technology recently issued notice, request the telecom companies to ensure that in December 31, 2016 the company all subscribers real-name rate of more than 95%, all before June 30, 2017 phone users implement real-name registration. Netizens think the real-name registration system is a tool to deal with telecom fraud, is the key to do the work about doing fine, other information...