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东莞塘厦永凯雪佛兰感恩庆典 百万回馈

Dongguan Tangxia Yong Kai Chevrolet Thanksgiving celebration million feedback

2014-11-26 22:30:22来源: 爱卡汽车网

赛欧历史最低价3.99万元起 首付9900元 感恩节后年终大团购,买车哪里最优惠?到塘厦永凯雪佛兰,华南区最大最豪华的4S旗舰店 永凯雪佛兰 “感恩庆典 百万回馈”回馈新老客户,在这个暖冬,...

sail historical price 39900 yuan Shoufu 9900 yuan after Thanksgiving year end group purchase, where the most preferential buy a car? Tangxia Yongkai Chevrolet, Southern China area's largest and most luxurious 4S flagship store Yongkai Chevrolet "thanksgiving celebration million feedback" our old and new customers, in this warm winter,...