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“北影校花”张梦然曾追星焦恩俊 给其写情书

"North Campus Belle" Zhang Meng ran once make track for a star Vincent to write love letter

2015-07-09 23:33:46来源: 中国青年网

北影校花张梦然 腾讯娱乐讯(文/胡梦莹)日前,北影校花张梦然现身江苏某整容医院。此番张梦然为了追星焦恩俊而来,希望通过蜕变以最美的自己得到男神的青睐。受访时,张梦然自曝年幼时就是焦恩俊的铁杆粉丝...

Beiying Xiaohua Zhang Meng ran Tencent Entertainment News (text / Hu Mengying) recently, Beiying Xiaohua Zhang Meng ran appeared in a plastic surgery hospital of Jiangsu. The Zhang Mengran to cite Vincent Chiao, hope that through the transformation to the most beautiful you get God's favor. When interviewed, Zhang Mengran exposes the young is a fan of Vincent Chiao...