新关注 > 信息聚合 > 山东卫视羊年春晚完成录制 孔子后人赠“至圣先师..

山东卫视羊年春晚完成录制 孔子后人赠“至圣先师..

Shandong satellite TV, sheep year Spring Festival evening finished recording Confucius descendants donated "Confucius..

2015-02-12 09:44:49来源: 人民网

齐鲁网济南2月12日讯你有多久没给家人写信了?这个春节如果不回家过年,会不会拿起纸和笔,给父母写封信?每逢佳节倍思亲,由山东卫视倾力打造的2015羊年春节联欢晚会--《一封家书》昨晚在我台1200平米演播大厅完成录制。 “一封家书” 温暖过年 李春波的这首《一封家书》,曾经感动了很...

Qilu net Ji'nan on February 12th news how long have you written to my family? If you don't go home this spring festival will not have the Spring Festival, picked up the paper and pen, write a letter to your parents? Every festival, dear, 2015 sheep year Spring Festival gala by creating the Shandong satellite TV to -- "a letter" last night in my desk 1200 square meter studio hall finished recording. "A letter to" warm and have the Spring Festival Li Chunbo this song "a letter", once touched very...