新关注 > 信息聚合 > 2015广西公务员考试申论每周一练答案:拒绝公布..


2015, Guangxi civil service exam essay weekly practice answer: refused to release..

2015-01-23 10:22:35来源: 中公教育网

广西公务员考试交流群:219674608 【练习题】 2014年12月31日,四川省南充市食药监局通报办结9起食品安全违法案件,并对一位举报问题奶粉的女士奖励10万元,但涉案奶粉品牌却以“某奶粉...

Guangxi civil service exam exchange group: 219674608 practice questions] December 31, 2014, Nanchong City of Sichuan Province food and Drug Administration Bureau informed Banjie 9 food safety violations, and of a lift daily milk Ms. reward 10 million yuan, but involved in the milk powder brand is to "a milk...