新关注 > 信息聚合 > 北京一医院医生:17年春节都在急诊室


Beijing a hospital doctor: 17 years of the Spring Festival in the emergency room

2015-02-22 16:51:25来源: 南方网

大年初三一大早,北京儿童医院急诊科主治医生廖琨又来到了她熟悉的岗位上。各大医院昨天起开始恢复半天门诊,数十万白衣天使又开始坚守各自的岗位,更有数不清的像廖琨一样的医生,多少年来没休过一个完整的春节假期。 直面生死不轻松 走进医院急诊抢救室,八九个宝宝在爸爸妈妈的看护下正在抢救床上等...

third day early in the morning, emergency department of Beijing Children's Hospital doctor Liao Kun came to her familiar position. Each big hospital yesterday began to recover half day out-patient, hundreds of thousands of angels began to stick to their posts, doctors like Liao Kun more countless, not a complete Spring Festival holiday for many years. Face the life and death not easily into the hospital emergency resuscitation room, eight or nine children in the care of mom and dad are rescue bed...