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热身赛-新援首秀处子球 小猪德佩亮相曼联小胜

Warm-up match - new signings debut debut ball pig pres debut United's victory over

2015-07-18 13:15:09来源: 新浪

新浪体育讯 北京时间7月18日11:00(西雅图当地时间17日20:00),2015/16赛季曼联季前首场热身赛在世纪互联球场展开角逐,曼联1比0小胜墨西哥美洲。新援施奈德林首秀打入处子球,施魏因斯...

sina sports news Beijing time on July 18, 11:00 am (local time in Seattle 17 20:00), before 2015 / 16 season season with the Reds first warm-up match at centurylink field to compete, Manchester United a 1-0 win over Mexico brother America. New signings Schneiderlin debut scored the first goal, Schwein J...