新关注 > 信息聚合 > 西蒙斯复刻LBJ经典封面 同穿乔丹球衣却霸气不足

西蒙斯复刻LBJ经典封面 同穿乔丹球衣却霸气不足

Simmons replica is a classic cover LBJ With wear Jordan jersey less swagger

2016-05-12 09:26:05来源: 网易

网易体育5月12日报道: 季后赛正在如火如荼的进行,而下个月的选秀大会也在慢慢的临近。在最近出版的一期《灌篮》杂志全美高中生特刊中,今夏选秀大会的状元热门人选本-西蒙斯登上了这期杂志的封面。 勒布朗 西蒙斯 只见封面上的本-西蒙斯身穿23号的全明星战袍,手中拿着一颗篮球,脸上则是...

Netease sports reports on May 12, the playoffs are in full swing, and the next month, the draft is slowly approaching. Published in a recent issue of the journal dunk high school students across the country in the special issue, draft top favourites this summer - simmons is on the cover of this issue. Lebron James simons I saw on the cover of this - simmons in 23 of the all-star shirt, holding a basketball, on the face is...