新关注 > 信息聚合 > [2015武汉电视问政]硚口韩家墩路遇“中梗阻” 规..

[2015武汉电视问政]硚口韩家墩路遇“中梗阻” 规..

[2015 Wuhan TV asked political Qiaokou Han Jia Dun Lu Yu in the obstruction..

2015-07-09 02:14:44来源: 荆楚网

荆楚网消息(记者郑青 实习生胡雷)7月8日晚8时,2015年武汉“十个突出问题”承诺整改“期中考”第三场开考,聚焦“路网、停车场如何应急谋远”。 暗访短片: 韩家墩路建设出现“中梗阻” 硚口...

Jingchu net news (reporter Zheng Qing Intern Hu Lei) 7 month on the 8th evening 8 when, by the year 2015 Wuhan "ten outstanding problems" commitment to the rectification "midterm" third Kaikao, focus on the road, parking field emergency forethought ". Unannounced visits to the movie: Han Jia Dun road construction "obstruction" qiaokou...