新关注 > 信息聚合 > 360奇酷旗舰版首发指纹保密的 “隐私空间”

360奇酷旗舰版首发指纹保密的 “隐私空间”

360 our ultimate first fingerprint security "privacy space"

2015-10-13 21:23:24来源: 新浪

手机安全哪家强?北京360找奇酷。今天受邀参加360奇酷旗舰版品鉴会,在简单体验了旗舰版的360 OS后,对其“岂止安全”的口号有了更深刻的理解。360 OS主打的“安全 轻快 省电”,不仅体现在安...

Sina mobile phone security which is stronger? 360 for our Beijing. Today was invited to participate in the 360 version of our flagship tasting, after in the simple experience of 360 OS version of its flagship, the "not only security" slogan of a more profound understanding. 360 OS flagship "safe and fast power", not only reflected in the security...