新关注 > 信息聚合 > 在线修正:风暴峡湾的炉石可以正常绑定


Online correction: storm fjord hearth can normal binding

2016-09-01 14:45:45来源: 多玩游戏

9月1日7.0.3版本在线修正 职业 修正了刺杀潜行者在获得神器后无法排军团再临地下城的问题。 物品 每次施放奥术飞弹现在只触发一次罗宁的突击裹腕。调整了触发几率和增益效果持续时间作...

On September 1st version 7.0.3 online career revision the assassination of stalkers can't row legion again after get artifact in the dungeons. items Each cast arcane missiles now only trigger a rhonin assault around the wrist. Adjusted the chance to trigger and buff lasts for...