新关注 > 信息聚合 > 欧冠收入:皇马夺冠却居次席 1队太赚7623万登顶

欧冠收入:皇马夺冠却居次席 1队太赚7623万登顶

UEFA Champions League: Real Madrid win but second team earned 76 million 230 thousand top 1 too

2016-11-02 12:52:43来源: 搜狐

欧冠收入:皇马夺冠却居次席 在上赛季中,皇马成为了欧冠冠军。但在欧冠收入榜上,皇马却被首次杀入四强的曼城压在了第二位。《每日邮报》指出,曼城上赛季欧冠收入高达7623万英镑,皇马则为7278万英...

UEFA Champions League: Real Madrid win but ranks second in the last season, Real Madrid became the Champions league. But in the UEFA Champions league standings, Real Madrid has been reached the semi-finals for the first time in Manchester City second. "Daily Mail" pointed out that Manchester City last season's Champions League revenue as high as 76 million 230 thousand pounds, Real Madrid is 72 million 780 thousand...