新关注 > 信息聚合 > 董明珠携王健林等投资银隆新能源 布局新能源产业

董明珠携王健林等投资银隆新能源 布局新能源产业

Dong mingzhu with wang jianlin investment silver long new energy sources such as the layout of new energy industry

2016-12-16 17:37:55来源: 中国新闻网

中新网12月16日电 近日,董明珠宣称“一定要做新能源汽车”,在外界的质疑声中,她以实质性的行动证明,新能源汽车梦并没有终止。 12月15日,“中国制造高峰论坛”在北京举行。 论坛吸引了来自政府...

Said Saturday, 16 dec recently, ms dong "must do new energy vehicles", in the outside doubts, she with real action to prove, new energy vehicles dream does not end. On December 15, "made in China peak BBS" held in Beijing. BBS from government...