新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《阴阳师》金韬:1000万DAU背后的故事


10 million DAU Onmyoji Jin Tao: the story behind

2016-12-18 13:06:26来源: 17173

今日(12月17日)网易游戏学院第五届公开日在广州网易大厦圆满举办。会上,《阴阳师》制作人金韬进行了《阴阳师研发经验》的演讲,给现场的游戏从业者分享了三个产品理念、五个设计思路和一个团队管理方法。 ...

Today (December 17) netease game college successfully hosted the fifth publication in guangzhou netease building. The meeting, the Onmyoji producer Jin Tao speech Onmyoji r&d experience, to the scene of the game practitioners to share the idea three products, five design thinking and a team management method. ...