新关注 > 信息聚合 > 永辉超市股份有限公司2016年半年度业绩预告


Yong hui supermarket co., LTD., a semi-annual performance forecast in 2016

2016-07-16 03:19:51来源: 新浪

证券代码:601933 证券简称:永辉超市公告编号:临-2016-34 永辉超市股份有限公司 2016年半年度业绩预告 本公司及董事会全体成员保证公告内容不存在虚假记载、误导性陈述或者重...

Stock code: 601933 securities, yong hui supermarket announcement number: - 2016-34 yong hui in the supermarket co., LTD., a semi-annual performance forecast in 2016 The company announcements and board members that do not contain any false records, misleading statements or heavy...