新关注 > 信息聚合 > 杨幂携父母赴港为女儿庆生 杨幂爸骄傲晒孙女画作

杨幂携父母赴港为女儿庆生 杨幂爸骄傲晒孙女画作

Yang mi with parents in Hong Kong is birthday celebration of his daughter Yang mi dad proud granddaughter paintings

2017-06-02 12:57:52来源: 中国网


June 1st is the birthday of Yang mi and hawick lau daughter small glutinous rice, Yang mi in Hong Kong for daughter birthday together with parents, a seven happy! Yang mi dad basked in weibo granddaughter paintings and manual work, proud said, happy birthday, my small glutinous rice artistic classmates is invincible, I am sure that the collection, happy children all over the world.