新关注 > 信息聚合 > 黑莓“借壳”归来 与TCL弱弱联合 情怀成卖点?

黑莓“借壳”归来 与TCL弱弱联合 情怀成卖点?

The blackberry "shell" return with TCL weak feelings into selling point?

2017-08-02 14:00:40来源: 飞象网


There has been a new stranger of blackberry. Recently, some media from blackberry at the invitation of the information, the blackberry will be released in China on August 8, the new mobile phone products. 21st century business herald reporter noticed that the account has 120000 followers so far, not frequently updated, also has many fans. The analysts believe that the main advantage of TCL communication in overseas markets, the cooperation with the blackberry will still have a chance.