新关注 > 信息聚合 > 马云尊崇的华尔街老将:谨防这一数据打开“地狱之门”


Ma revered Wall Street veteran: beware of the data to open the "hell"

2018-02-23 09:55:06来源: 凤凰财经

有50年从业履历的资深交易员、瑞银纽约证交所交易大厅操作主任Art Cashin周四对CNBC表示,如果基准10年期美国国债收益率达到3%,这对市场来说可能是糟糕的一天。但马云还是见缝插针主动要求和纽交所传奇操盘手,现年73岁,在华尔街有50多年从业经验的瑞银董事总经理Art Cashi...

Resume the 50 years' senior trader, ubs operation Art Cashin, director of the New York stock exchange trading hall on CNBC on Thursday, if the benchmark 10-year Treasury yield reached 3%, it could be a bad day for the market. Ma still fit active request and nyse traders, legend, now 73, has more than 50 years of experience in Wall Street bank, managing director of Art Cashi...