新关注 > 信息聚合 > 好新奇!空客用无人机为自家客机做健康体检


What a novelty! Airbus use unmanned aerial vehicle for healthy physical examination

2016-07-17 09:14:50来源: TechWeb

题图:无人机将成为飞机的“保健医生” 凤凰科技讯 北京时间7月17日消息,据《财富》网络版报道,说起无人机,许多航空业从业者都是又爱又恨。“恨”是因为许多鲁莽的无人机玩家肆意在机场周围放飞无人机,...

Map: unmanned aerial vehicle will become the aircraft's "health doctor" Phoenix Technology News Beijing time July 17th news, according to the "fortune" network edition, speaking of UAV, many aviation industry practitioners are love and hate. "Hate" is because many reckless UAV players wantonly around the airport to release UAVs.