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So headstrong "war hero" tower let you points minutes life

2014-12-24 13:19:04来源: 不凡游戏网

12月26日,全球首款即时竞技塔防手游《战塔英雄》IOS二测火热开启,游戏在传统的塔防游戏的基础上融入了社交元素,实现了玩家之间实时联机竞技、双人合作防守等功能。现在进入《战塔英雄》官网预约,即有价值168元豪华大礼包,更有微信、微博、贴吧等活动送好礼,让你分分钟人生赢家。 二测在即,...

12 month 26 days, the world's first instant athletics defense Mobile Games "war hero" IOS two test tower open fiery, game into a social element to the base of the traditional tower defense game, realizes internationally between real-time on-line competitive double cooperation, defense and other functions. Now enter the "war hero" the tower's appointment, which has the value 168 yuan luxury package, more WeChat, micro-blog, Post Bar activities to send gifts, let you points minutes life. The two test is imminent,...