新关注 > 信息聚合 > 镇湖苏绣:小银针绣出大产业


Town Lake embroidery: small needles stitch the industry people

2015-09-29 06:52:16来源: 人民网

镇湖绣娘 中国经济网苏州9月28日讯 苏绣是汉族优秀的民族传统工艺,是中国四大名绣之一,镇湖是苏绣的主要发源地,苏绣中的八成产品来自镇湖。中国经济网记者日前在镇湖绣品街看到,整条街400多户商户中,有300多户为绣庄或刺绣工作室。据了解,在镇湖,围绕苏绣产业的从业人员占到街道总人口的...

town of Lake embroider Niang Suzhou of China Economic Net on September 28 news embroidery is Han Chinese excellent traditional crafts, is one of China's four famous embroidery, the town of lake is the major birthplace of embroidery, embroidery in 80% of the products from the town of lake. China economic net reporter recently in Town Lake embroidery street see, the whole street more than 400 businesses, there are more than 300 households embroidered Zhuang or embroidery workshop. It is understood that, in the town of lake, the embroidery industry practitioners accounted for the total population of the streets...