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《班淑传奇》制造"全能女傅" 景甜坦言性格像自己

"Legend of the class accomplishment" manufacturing "almighty female Fu" Jingtian said character like their

2015-04-28 09:31:34来源: 人民网

文可读书教萝莉 武能射箭挥马鞭 由张艺谋执导的电影《长城》正在热拍,这部投资高达1.35亿美元的影片汇集马特·达蒙、威廉·达福、刘德华、景甜和张涵予等多位演员。其中景甜为女一号,她将饰演一位...

the May reading teach Lolita Wu can archery waving whip directed by Zhang Yimou's film "the Great Wall" is hot shot, the investment of up $135 million film brings together a number of actor Matt Damon, Willem Dafoe, Andy Lau, Jing Tian and Zhang Hanyu. One of Tian Jing as the female lead, she will play an...