新关注 > 信息聚合 > 北京:千人同跳广场舞 欲挑战吉尼斯纪录

北京:千人同跳广场舞 欲挑战吉尼斯纪录

Beijing: one thousand people with square dance To challenge the guinness book of world records

2016-04-24 23:50:04来源: 参考消息网

4月23日,受邀参加活动的舞蹈爱好者在启动仪式上表演广场舞。 当日,“红舞联盟舞动奇迹”——2016年度争创十五万人同跳广场舞挑战吉尼斯世界纪录大型公益活动全国启动仪式在北京举行。据悉,本次活动将从全国选定15个省会城市,从中再选拔共计15万广场舞爱好者,在同一时间、不同场地,共跳...

On April 23, invited to participate in activities of square dance dance lovers on the launch ceremony of performance. On that day, "red dance dancing miracle" alliance - 2016 annual produce one hundred and fifty thousand people with square dance challenge the guinness book of world records the large-scale public welfare activities launching ceremony held in Beijing. It is reported, this activity will be from the selected 15 provincial capital cities in China, from which to select a total of 150000 square dance lovers, at the same time, different venues, and...