新关注 > 信息聚合 > 名嘴质疑高洪波:为啥不安排几套定位球战术


Famous mouth query gao: why not arrange a few set pieces

2016-10-12 01:50:40来源: 华体网

10月11日 亚洲区12强赛第4轮,国足客场以0-2负于乌兹别克斯坦。4轮比赛里,仅取得1平3负的战绩濒临出局。比赛结束后,著名体育评论员韩乔生指出,“中国足球和其他集体项目的沦落,根源不只在于体育...

On October 11, 12 in Asia match 4 rounds, the team's road to 2-0 defeat to uzbekistan. 4 in the round, only on 1 level 3 record close out. After the match, a famous sports commentator han2 qiao2 sheng pointed out that "the fall of the Chinese football and other collective project, root not only lies in the sports...