新关注 > 信息聚合 > 彻底跪了!国足基本和俄罗斯说再见 可以备战2022了

彻底跪了!国足基本和俄罗斯说再见 可以备战2022了

Completely kneel down! The team's basic can prepare for the 2022, and Russia say goodbye

2016-10-12 01:50:40来源: 华体网

国足基本告别2018世界杯 讯 北京时间10月11日21:00,在2018年俄罗斯世界杯亚洲区12强赛比赛中,中国男足客场0-2不敌乌兹别克斯坦,4场比赛后,国足仅积1分,残酷的现实摆在国足面前,...

The team's basic farewell to the 2018 World Cup Beijing time at 21:00 on October 11, 12 strong competition for the World Cup in Russia in 2018 Asia game, away 2-0 defeat to uzbekistan, Chinese football after four games, the team's only 1 points, the harsh reality facing the national soccer team,...