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“中华才艺大赛”南狮高桩选手:常伴伤痛 难言放弃

"The talent contest" lion high pile players: often accompanied by pain hardly give up Sina

2015-08-12 23:50:32来源: 新浪

中新社北京8月12日电 (郝爽 陶煌蟒)“虽然南狮高桩项目危险系数高,参与者容易受伤,但我永远不会放弃。”来自马来西亚吉隆坡光艺醒狮团的张俊雄在接受记者采访时如是表示。 “文化中国·2015年全...

China News Agency, Beijing, August 12 (Shuang Hao Tao Huangmang) "although the lion high pile project risk factor is high participants easily injured, but I will never give up." From Malaysia to Kuala Lumpur kongyi Lion Dance Troupe, Zhang Junxiong in an interview with reporters said. "Culture China, 2015...