新关注 > 信息聚合 > 动物思考的时候,人类能学到什么?


Thinking of animals, humans can learn?

2016-05-26 15:58:33来源: 中国日报网

人类能从动物的“想法”中学到什么?本文带你发现! 两千多年来,精妙而令人叹服的“自然阶梯”理论(the ladder of nature)从人类本能出发,描绘着世界运转的方式。这一权威理论之中,上...

People can learn from animals "ideas"? This article take you found! More than two thousand years, great and marvelous "natural step" theory (the ladder of nature) from human instinct, depict the world go round the way. This authoritative theory,...