新关注 > 信息聚合 > 女生不懂《复联3》?她们是超过60%的衍生品消费者!


Girls don't understand "multiple 3"? They are more than 60% of derivatives consumers!

2018-05-13 11:51:00来源: 品途网

5月11日凌晨两点半的北京朝阳区某街道,小洁和朋友走出电影院,神色激动地讨论着刚刚结束的电影剧情。“钢铁侠、惊奇队长、灭霸……”聊天的重点围绕着这些关键词。深夜的街头人流熙熙攘攘,在这群年龄大多集中在二三十岁的观众中,女性赫然占了一半。甚至还有一个女生全副武装,COS成了黑寡妇的模样。 这样的场景在各大一线城市并不少见。凌晨刚过,国内《复仇者联盟3》(以下简称《复联3》的票房就突破了2亿大关,贡献者便是这些漫威系列的忠诚影迷。而在猫眼给出的观影画像中,女性受众占比高达46.5%。 《复仇者联盟3:无限战争》 然而讽刺的是,就在电影上映的首日,通辽万达影城却安排在《复联3》的观影厅...

At 2:30 in the morning of May 11, Beijing chaoyang street, small jie and the friend went out of the cinema, look excitedly talking about the movie ended. "Iron man, captain marvel, destroy the bully... "The focus of the chat around these keywords. Late at night on the streets of stream of people bustling, in this age group of mostly in their 20 s and 30 s in the audience, impressively accounted for half of women. There is even a girl armed, COS became black widow. Scenes like this in all big cities are not uncommon. Just in the morning, the domestic "avengers alliance 3" (hereinafter referred to as the "multiple 3" broke through the 200 million mark at the box office, contributor is the flood series of loyal fans. While in the cat's eye viewing the portrait, female audience accounted for as high as 46.5%. "Avengers alliance 3: the infinite war" the irony is that in the movie the first day, tgo wanda studios are arranged in multiple 3 view screens...