新关注 > 信息聚合 > 教科所附小:万圣节来一场不一样的大派对


UNESCO attached: in China's education online Halloween a field is not the same as the party

2015-10-31 13:30:37来源: 中国教育在线

中国教育在线浙江站讯 (通讯员 金军 记者 陈显婷)“trick or treat!”“trick or treat!”这两天,在教科所附小的校园里,你会看到三三俩俩或一群群打扮怪异的学生围着老师喊...

Zhejiang station (Communication Jin Jun reporter) Chen Xianting "trick or treat!" "Or treat trick!" These two days, in teaching, attached to the campus, you will see long hoped for two wheelers or flocks of bizarre dress up the students surrounded the teacher shouted...