新关注 > 信息聚合 > 青春作家亮相书展:"互联网+"时代 走红模式被颠覆

青春作家亮相书展:"互联网+"时代 走红模式被颠覆

Youth writers debut book fair: "Internet + era popular modes are subversive

2015-08-22 05:40:00来源: 东方网

原标题:“互联网+”时代,走红模式被颠覆“小鲜肉”登场,作家也拼脸? 正在上海展览中心举办的上海书展,开幕3天吸引数万市民。记者发现,今年青少年读者的比例明显增加,吸引他们的是如雨后春笋般冒出的...

original title:" Internet + era, popular modes are subversive little meat debut, the writer also fight face? Is the Shanghai Exhibition Center, Shanghai book fair, the 3 day of the opening attracted tens of thousands of people. Reporters found that the proportion of young readers increased significantly this year, to attract them is like the spring bamboo shoots...