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Qualifying AFC Luneng 6 ball victory

2016-02-03 03:34:57来源: 网易

本报讯(记者 黄志阳)2016年亚冠联赛昨天进入资格赛第二轮角逐,上赛季中超联赛季军山东鲁能队主场6比0大胜印度联赛冠军莫哈巴干队,顺利挺进第三轮,即资格赛最后一轮。 本场比赛强弱分明,莫哈巴干队...

WASHINGTON (reporter Huang Zhiyang) yesterday entered the 2016 AFC Champions League second qualifying round of the competition last season, Super League runners-up Shandong Luneng home 6-0 victory over league champions Mo Haba dry Indian team successfully advance the third round, that final round of qualifying. The strength of the game clear, dry Mo Haba team ...