新关注 > 信息聚合 > 50级更新:翡翠谷武器1品阶 碎片兑换武器

50级更新:翡翠谷武器1品阶 碎片兑换武器

50 update: feicui Gu weapons 1 order goods debris exchange weapons

2015-09-03 11:30:46来源: 多玩游戏

上古世纪9.3更新,翡翠谷武器1品阶:收集阿瑟拉碎片兑换武器简单介绍。 游戏就更新到50级版本了,翡翠谷和埋骨之地两个新地图,也开放了"牌子"武器制作.正式名称见标题! 先来说什么叫牌子武器: 牌子是指在东大陆翡翠谷右下角的废弃的训练所中击杀野怪获得的物品“褪色的XX证明”。...

ancient centuries 9.3 update, feicui Gu weapons 1 order goods: collect Asherah debris exchange weapons are briefly introduced. The game is updated to version 50, and the two new maps of the Emerald Valley and buried bones are also open to the "brand" weapon production! First what is called brand weapon: brand refers to the right corner of the lower right corner of the left of the Training Institute of the right corner of the training to kill wild strange things to get the goods to prove that the XX". ...