新关注 > 信息聚合 > 白帝造型神还原 Angelababy《天谕》花絮曝光

白帝造型神还原 Angelababy《天谕》花絮曝光

Baidi modeling God reduction angelababy highlights of the encyclical "exposure

2015-06-08 20:58:28来源: 17173

日前,国民女神Angelababy正式宣布成为网易无束缚3D幻想大作《天谕》代言人,出席《天谕》在北京水立方举行的“ALL STAR”品牌秀,并于品牌秀现场公布游戏将于6月19日迎来开放性测试的重要消息。 今日,一段Angelababy为《天谕》拍摄平面图片期间录制的花絮视频首次曝光...

recently, national goddess angelababy officially announced become Netease bound free 3D fantasy masterpiece" encyclical "spokesperson, attend the encyclical" held in Beijing's Water Cube "All Star" brand show, and announced the game will be held on June 19, usher in the important news in the open test on brand show scene. Today, Angelababy is a "day" shooting plane picture recording encyclical video footage during the first exposure...